2022 NFT’s and Dispensaries – Community is EVERYTHING. Without it you have NOTHING.


2022 NFT’s and Dispensaries - Community is EVERYTHING. Without it you have NOTHING.

Let’s start by not looking at the cannabis market for one second and talk about crypto and NFTs.

I am sure you heard about the 10,000 Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs or those ugly / funny ape pictures that are selling for millions of dollars.  Today one of the least rare or “Floor Price” of a Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT is 450k.  The crazy part is just one year ago you could mint (get one at random) for $800 dollars.

These “JPEGS” or NFTs have traded over 1.3 billion dollars worth and the company BAYC is valued at 4 BILLION dollars in a year’s time! CRAZY.

So how did BAYC do it? 

One answer and one answer only, community.

This article is not about NFTs and crypto though, that is a whole other topic up for discussion.  This article is about how to get raving fans and what will happen when you do.

A successful investor by the name of Warren Buffett once said, “invest in companies that people are willing to get tattooed on them”.

Company’s / Communities like:

  • Nike
  • Tesla
  • Disney 
  • Coca-Cola
  • Apple
  • Chanel
  • BAYC 
  • Sports Teams
  • Super Heros
  • Comic Books
  • Marvel
  • DC 
  • Star Wars
Hint / Side Note: NFTs today are like comic books in the early 1900s.

"You (the dispensary) have to become that superhero in-store and online."

Anyways…these companies, teams, comics, and NFTs mastered this one critical thing… COMMUNITY.

So let’s transition to dispensaries, cannabis, and community.

Today the cannabis market is booming and will likely become federally legal soon. This will bring in more competition that will eat away margins and customer frequency.

With this in mind, dispensaries have to make customers stick and must build raving fans now.

That means shifting focus from profit and margins to content, sign-ups, branding, messaging, events, community chatrooms, VIPs, and more.

Goal is to measure daily, weekly, and monthly sign-ups and keep your community entertained so they don’t have the chance to look anywhere else. 

When your marketing spends starts focusing on sign-ups and customer satisfaction instead of profit this is where the magic happens.

What happens is your community turns into your dispensary’s army and will go to war for you.

You must know who your community leaders are and who is new to your program because you must welcome them with open arms.

Your consumer is walking into your store looking for something and you have to offer that one thing and more if you want to increase your company value, lifetime value (LTV), and average order value (AOV). 

When you master this dispensary revenue will skyrocket and it starts with building a warm, positive community where a customer feels safe.

Everyone in the early 1900s loved comic books so much because if gave them a hero, a world they could enter, and feel apart of. 

You (the dispensary) have to become that superhero in-store and online.

You should only have to send one email or text to your community (or army) and let your army do the rest getting new customer to your store or your event.

This takes time and daily focus but I promise if you focus your efforts on this instead of profit for 1 year the snowball will take shape and you’ll have raving, die-heat fans.

So ask yourself this:

  1. What makes your customers feel safe?
  2. What stops customers from searching anywhere else?
  3. Is your branding fun and on point? (Hint: McDonald’s – I’m LOVING IT)
  4. What do you do for your customer that no-one else does?

Remember to keep things fun, happy, and be different.  Be willing to take a loss to make customers supper happy and watch them be loyal to you forever.

If you found any value in reading this  please share it with your network.  Remember sharing is caring and in today’s world liking sharing and retweeting are just that.  

If you would like to schedule a call with me, click that little “Call To Action” button in blue on the bottom right of your screen.  Click it now to see what it’s like and how it feels.

Thank you for taking the time making it this far in this blog post, I deeply appreciate it.

I have another blog post if you want to check them out scroll a little farther and skip my little annoying blue button.

About Cameron Tennant:

Owner of Dispensary Traffic, Cameron has been an internet marketer for over 8 years. He first started with e-commerce on Shopify dropshipping products from China all around the world.

He learned the sociology of customer experience, follow-up, and customer service to drive sales today and not tomorrow.

Then he moved to lead generation because margins started to get tight with long shipping times.

With lead generation, he excelled and became a top internet marketer for high-growth affiliate networks. He won affiliate marketer of the month in 2021 by spending 25k a day on Facebook and other traffic sources scaling clinical trial ads.

Cameron’s main focus now is helping Dispensaries scale with unique strategies and putting systems in place to spend money on marketing at ease. He says, “nowadays spending money on advertising is fun because you know exactly what you’re going to get back with the right tracking and monitoring in place.”

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